Monday, May 24, 2004

yesterday was awesome! hahas! well, firstly, service was great! Jian brought 3 other new friends! Like wow! and two of them responded to the altar call! woo hoo! Praise the Lord! wow! the Lord will always work his miracle! anyways, i'll be doing the swimming part for Xtreme Sports! and jian will be running! haha.... swimming, is it an obstacle? NO! i will conquer it! the prelimanary rund is this friday. hope i make it through to the finals. this is it! the day of reckoning! haha... right. anyways yesterday was also my paternal's side, grandmother's birthday! she's 70! but surely she doesn't look 70 to me! more like in her late fifties to me! and obviously everyone was dolled up and all. my baby went too! she looked absolutely fabulous. :) everyone in my paternal side went of course. and i met many uncles and aunts whom i have never seen before in my entire life, and others whom have been lost for more than a decade. wierd happenings too. not to explain, the 'aunt' who was my age. she was... somehow a little... wierd. yea, wierd is the word. should get my baby to blog about it laters, she'll decribe the whole scenario to ya'll. in the meantime, gotta run. see ya! and God bless! :)